Meet Rachel - Nutrition Specialist
I have a passion for sport and a passion for nutrition. Being able to combine both into one amazing career has practically been a dream come true. I first became interested in the field of nutrition as an adolescent when I began competitive long-distance running. I'd been a competitive athlete my whole life, but had never had any difficulties fueling my body. My performance began to suffer as I struggled with an eating disorder and under-fueling. It was during that time that I was made aware of the immense importance of nutrition in my performance and overall health.
Since then, my pursuit of all things active has taught me more than I could imagine. I don't run, bike, or hike to stay in shape, so that I can eat whatever I want, or because I feel like I have to. I stay active because I love it. I love the freedom, power,
happiness, and confidence it makes me feel. It gives me time to myself to think, relax, and step away from the chaos of life.
I love food and am one of the least picky eaters you'll ever meet, and I firmly believe that food is meant to be enjoyed. My goal as a dietitian is to help others fully live, feel, and perform at their best by providing guidance and education on the power of nutrition, all while fostering a happy and healthy relationship with food.
Throughout my early years in the sport, my relationship with running had some really high points and really low points, as did my relationship with food. At the time, I wished I had someone along who understood both my love of running and what was happening with my nutrition. I couldn't find that. Now, each day I am thankful for the fact that I get to be that person for others who understands both factors and how they can be used together. I strive to help other runners deepen their love of activity and adventure, reach goals they didn't know they had, and improve their nutrition and overall health.
Bachelor of Science-Dietetics​​
Registered, Licensed Dietitian

Nutrition services offered by our Registered Dietitian/Nutrition Health Coach will be unique to each client and can come in many forms.

Pending our conversation and your goals, a written 5 day meal plan or race fuel plan will be recommended and/or necessary to ensure your success. I spend time evaluating and calculating your needs, which I use to develop an in-depth plan and guidebook for your unique needs.
$150 - 2 hours
Managing your diet alone can be difficult and stressful, let us help! This time is all about you, and Rachel is happy to help however she can. From recipes to meal planning, and everything in between, let's take control of your nutrition today!
(Single Sessions and Packages Available)

Mark M
Working with Trail Transformation has brought me from a middle of the pack runner, to a contender in every race I enter.
What People Are Saying

Andy H
Going through the MRT process with Rachel has helped me feel better every single day.

Rose R
In 2018, I took 4 hours and 45 minutes off my previous 50 mile PR, all with the help of the Trail Transformation team!